lundi 12 décembre 2011

Angelina Jolie has no friends to talks

Angelina Jolie says Brad Pitt is the only person she really talks

During an interview with the magazine Marie Claire , the actress Angelina Jolie, mother of six children, was told about the fact that she does not have many girlfriends.

It weighs a lack in real life. Indeed, no friends to confide in and who laugh. "I just have a few friends, she admits to the magazine. It's just ... I am much at home. I'm not very sociable. I do not do much with them, I am very connected to my home.

" This "in it", she shares with Brad, the father of several of his children. Husband, lover, father, he must at once also act as Angie’s girlfriend. " I talk to Brad, Angie said. Since I do not have many friends to talk to, it's really the only person whom I trust ."
Angelina Jolie recently told she was lucky not to have died young, in view of its most tumultuous past.

She said: "I went through times heavier, darker and I survived. I am not died young and I'm very lucky. There are other artists and people who did not survive certain things. "

However, she insisted that her orderly life has not completely changed, "I am always a bad girl. I still have that side of me. It's just that it is up now ... along with Brad." Said Angelina Jolie.

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