vendredi 8 juin 2012

Diet Alert

Since we're welcoming summer we should take care of our bodies and start to work out to fit in beach bodies, which is something not hard as much as you want it .. Try to work out like 3 times a week, try to hire a special trainer for best results, learn how to eat healthy food and healthy drinks .. Stay away from soda's and junk food .. Even if you want to eat junk food try to eat like grilled burgers or grilled stuff it's more healthier and lighter to your stomach,

Absolutely you don't want to show off your fat and cellulite in front of all sexy bodies and get depressed by comparing your body with them.. So get ready to work so hard for perfect beach body ;)

And here are some pictures to motivate you dolls ,,, i got it from hyper bazar july 2012 issue ..!!


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