dimanche 28 octobre 2012

Christina Aguilera Style Scoop: Epic Fail & How To Wear Leggings

The problem that she is talented, and gorgeous: I mean she was.
She stuck between the trailer park and the cirkus. All bloggers from all over the world repeating (even the worst blogger) that legging are not pants, there are a tone of skinny, superslim, for the leggings lovers, but if you really can't leave the house without your favorite pieces at least wear it normally!
I'm trying to give some ideas (and try to pick the pieces from my wardrobe to be a bit "personal") ,  but never ever try to dress like Christina! 
And this Ronald McDonald hairdo is completely flash and okay IN the video clip or ON the stage, but the streets. I don't like ombre mainstream , for me those hairdos are root filled messes but this ombre (from platinum blond thru pink to red?) creative catastrophe!
Last Christina in leggings action
And why Christina? Because I like her...and she had taste once!
I could upload tone of celebs fail with leggings but they are hopeless!

previous visual assassinations

ideas for leggings, at least how I wear them
Tried to find exactly my pieces but instead of Prada I'm carrying a vintage LV
pumps are Bally but couldn't find them

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