dimanche 17 février 2013

Edita Vilkeviciute for Patrizia Pepe Spring Summer 2013

Let's lay down the fact that I adore Patrizia Pepe! I love the collection but there is one thing what is goes beyond my tolerance: this filter! looks like some of those stupid instagram filter!
I'm completely intolerant with this
Second is that Edita Vilkeviciute is a stunner, and I know that this is an ad campaign not a body-messing entry and I never thought that once I will say this,what is more, I will write this down, because years ago I was the one who always relaxed myself that I'm hot because I have sticks instead of legs... I 've found this stunning, but now I'm looking and something like 'jeez' so NOT attractive.
I think everybody should respect her/his body, working out, eating healthy..MOVING, but Edita's legs even lengthened with ps, definitely should purchase a personal trainer because this isn't 'just' not hot, but SO 2010-2011 !
I'm on the 'think thin angle' and fashion models always will be thin (thanks God) and tall but fit is hot and trendy!
Hope that Patrizia Pepe's crew will forgive me to discuss this because of their ad campaign!
(I mean I have a discount since 5yrs at least :P )

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